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Dr Ahmed Hamdy

Dr. Ahmed Hamdy

IT Assistant Manager - Arab Investment Bank

Doctorate of business administration (DBA)    Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport


1 – Balance Scorecard Role in Competitive Advantage of Egyptian Banking Sector.

At 7th International Conference on Business and Economic Development (ICBED), New York, USA , 2018

2 – Information Technology Governance effectiveness in Organizations.

At 7th International Conference on Business and Economic Development (ICBED), New York, USA, 2018

3 – The impact of Basel III on the Banking System in Egypt: At 8th International Trade and Academic Research Conference ( ITARC ), London UK, 2017

4– The Effect of knowledge Management Critical Success Factors on Knowledge Management Effectiveness and Financial / Non – Financial Performance: An Empirical Research in Egyptian Bank Sector.

At 8th International Trade and Academic Research Conference ( ITARC ) ,London UK, 2017

5 – The Mediating Role of IT Governance effectiveness Between ITG and Financial / Non-Financial Performance Empirical Research on Egyptian Banking Sector.

At 3rd International Conference on Institutional leadership, Learning& Teaching ( ILLT), London UK,    2017

6 – Determine Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its effects on Sustaining Competitive Advantage in the Egyptian Banking Sector    Conference: 2017 ABRM – AASTM 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE.



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